30 years of the World Uranium Hearing

In 1992, they came together in Salzburg: Sufferers of nuclear technology use. From 27 countries and 25 indigenous nations, they reported in words and pictures on the consequences of uranium mining and nuclear testing as well as on their resistance against the nuclear industry. An impressive, touching testimony of the effects of the inhumane nuclear age. Under the motto "Leave the uranium in the ground!" the "Declaration of Salzburg" was adopted. This was deposited on the Großglockner and handed over to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Many positive things have happened since then. And yet: the possible use of a nuclear bomb has come closer than ever before with the war in Ukraine. And despite the stagnating price of uranium, the exploitation of people and the environment continues, along with all the irreversible damage caused by uranium mining.
The short clip of the event captures the mood: 30 Years of World Uranium Hearing
to the photo: In the picture, from left to right in the back: Liam O'Maonlai (Ireland), Claus Biegert (Munich), Susanna Vötter-Dankl (Leopold Kohr®-Akademie, Salzburg), Dr. Silvia Bengesser-Scharinger (Literaturarchiv Salzburg), Alfred Winter (Leopold Kohr®-Akademie, Salzburg). In front: Tjan Zaotschnaja (Itelmenin from Kamchatka, Siberia), Anna Rondon (Navajo Nation) and Jutta Wiesenthal (Munich). Photo: Manfred Siebinger